Dearest reader,
Relax. Unwind. Brew a fresh cup of coffee — tea, maybe? — no, crack open a Diet Coke — and have a perusal of our website: You’ll find something that captures you. My name is Nadia Jacobs, and I’m an English major at CSU and The Uproar’s new editor-in-chief. This issue is my first in the position, and I couldn’t be more honored or excited; our team has concocted a lively lineup to start your month off right.
Women’s autonomy in 2025, the disappearance of preteen culture, and the beast of commitment: Janae Chappell has crafted three riveting opinion pieces, all of which delve into struggles of our rapidly-shifting modern culture, in her thought-provoking contributions to this issue.
In the news, Columbus Bound Bookshop has recently opened in Midtown. Evie Smith sits down in conversation with the store’s owner, Khristina Gallagher, about everything Columbus Bound has to offer.
Lastly, as I’m currently studying abroad in Oxford, England, I’ve written a couple of pieces relating to my experience here: one on British culture and language and another on my relationship with time.
Still working on that Diet Coke? Don’t just sit there — read something!
Happy exploring,
Nadia Jacobs