Investigation Into Aggravated Sexual Battery Charge
What we know so far

On Sept. 24, 2018, a case of aggravated sexual battery was reported at the following address: 25 W 10th St, Columbus, Ga, 31901. The case is currently under investigation by the Columbus State University Police Department (CSUPD) according to the incident report. The investigating officer assigned to the case is Adam Gillette.
Aggravated sexual battery is a felony-charged offense. We requested information from the CSUPD and received an incident report detailing the event. Most of the information, such as who was involved, is confidential, and the full report is not available to the public. However, we are currently looking into it and will give an update with more information next week. For further information on crimes happening on campus, go to to view the Police Activity Log.
UPDATE: OCTOBER 6, 2018, 3:30 p.m.
According to officers on duty at the dispatch center, the investigation is still open and being looked in to. The officers assigned to the case were not available for questions.