Alien Sightings on Campus and in Downtown Area!
The word is out, and the word is, “Alien!” In the past couple months sightings have been kept under wraps, but with the recent rise in personal accounts, The Uproar feels partially responsible to make our fellow students aware of the going-ons within the Columbus area.
The first known sighting occurred on the 24th of February at roughly five o’clock in the morning. Isaac Synet, a Junior Nutrition Dynamics major, reported seeing what he believed to be alien activity in the Parking Deck across from the Lumpkin center. Isaac had left for a morning jog thirty minutes prior to the sighting, coming from CSU’s Courtyard Housing.
Isaac shared his morning routine, “I’ve never been one to sleep in, so I go for a jog in the early morning before classes. I follow a rough circle around the main campus, going toward the Lumpkin Center, around the Rec. Center, from Arnold Hall to Jordan, then I go past Clearview and head back to my dorm.”
When asked about what he’d seen while passing the Parking Deck, Isaac stated, “it felt like there was hot air blowing from the lower entrance.” Isaac had also stopped when he noticed, “a glittery, shimmering shape coming from the back of the parking deck.”
Before he could venture further for inspection, Isaac watched the glittery shape jump over concrete guard rail. “It slid away when I tried to walk into the lower entrance, and I watched it climb over the guard rail, and jump toward the trees.” Isaac had shared what he saw to a few classmates, and has not seen the mysterious, sparkling figure since then.
A similar report of a sighting was given from Beverly Mead, a Sophomore Bowling Industry Management & Technology major. However, Beverly’s encounter had been in the downtown area near the Riverside Campus. Beverly stated she had been walking back from Fountain City Coffee to the CSU bus stop when she witnessed the alien.
Beverly had this to say, “I bought an oatmeal flushed mocha latte, with two extra shots, and marshmallow fluff sprinkled with two dashes of pumpkin spice, and as I was leaving I saw movement in the little alleyway between Fountain City and the P.O.D.” Beverly said having seen, “a shining, glittery animal that was maybe a little bigger than a lap dog.”
When asked if she recalled the time and day, she said, “It was a little after 8:30 a.m., and it was the first week of March. I remember it was before I had to take my midterms.” When told about Isaac’s experience Beverly had said, “That sounds similar to the one I saw, but when I looked at the alien in the alley it started to kick up trash, and disappeared with what sounded like snapping.”
Further encounters have been made rumor around CSU’s campus. The Uproar’s own Editor-in-Chief, Jessica DeMarco-Jacobson, a senior English major, had shared with The Uproar’s reporters and editors of her brief encounter with the alien in question. Jessica, while driving through the Downtown area, mentioned having heard, “series of faint snapping noises, and twinkling shapes running down the sidewalks.”
Though these encounters on CSU’s campuses may seem minuscule in comparison to the chilling tales we’ve come to know, they are nevertheless sightings to be duly noted and shared with CSU’s students.

Jonathan Stringfellow is an English Literature Major at Columbus State University and aims to be and English Literature Professor. He writes short stories...
Kimberly McMann • Apr 6, 2021 at 8:12 am
WOOWWW, I love this! This is so enthralling and fun to read! You have pure talent! Can’t wait for more !!