Trunk or Treat in Columbus!
The safer version of trick or treating for children, families, and students
Trunk or Treat is traditionally an event hosted by local communities in an effort to give families a more organized and safe Halloween experience. The event occurs at a specific location where people park their cars and accessorize the trunks of their cars with candy buckets and Halloween decor, treating their cars like they would their doorsteps on Halloween night. Halloween goers can go from car-to-car, dressed in costumes, to ask for candy.
Trunk or Treat is seen as safer for children because of the organization and precautions of the event. One safety measure is that candy is checked to make sure it is safe and there is nothing dangerous hidden.
Another reason that Trunk or Treat is considered safer for children is its confinement to a smaller area. There are some advantages to trunk-or-treating instead of just trick-or-treating around a neighborhood. For example, parents and guardians can look after their children more easily and ensure they get plenty of candy without having to walk around as much.
Lastly, Trunk or Treat is safer because of COVID-19 concerns. The cars can be spread out more, and it is easy to maintain distance from the other trunk-or-treaters. The event itself may likely have their own COVID-19 guidelines, so always make sure to check out the event details before arriving.
One event, The Nightmare Before Halloween Trunk or Treat, took place on Oct. 29 from 5p.m. to 7 p.m. and was hosted at Bluebell Home Decor & Gifts at 2301 Airport Thruway.
CSU also hosted a trunk or treat event on Oct. 27 beginning at 11:00 a.m. and ending at 1:00. Students registered their cars to provide trunks, donate candy, or just came to check out the event. The event was located in parking lot 7 on main campus.
Going trunk-or-treating is a fun and safe alternative to trick-or-treating on Halloween night. It is an opportunity to get even more candy, and who could say no?
Consider checking out the events with your friends and family! It is a fun way to celebrate the Halloween season.

Braxton is a senior majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Film. He enjoys going to the theatre and making short films. Braxton plans on one day...